once upon a time these two people joined their lives

once upon a time these two people joined their lives
Love of my Life

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Update On Noah!

23 Weeks 5 days Noah is moving along..I have gained 24lbs which is alot to me being the 104lbs I am used to! The doctor said my measurements are right on track but hes moving up some of my testing to next wed march 2 due to some spotting & wants to see how much hes grew esc..Then March 22 I due that  nasty gluclose test for diabetes..yuck..We did paint the nursery:) Ill post pics when its all togather..Ive had lots of people praying for him so I feel like Jesus blood is covering him..Sometimes I still get to where I am unsure but then I just remind myself how many miracles we have already been through considering they didnt think he would live period..


  1. COntinuing to keep you in my prayers ((HUGS))

  2. thanks girl! we appreciate each & every ones prayers...at times i get excited but i still have the doubt in my mind b/c every doc appt is different..
