once upon a time these two people joined their lives

once upon a time these two people joined their lives
Love of my Life

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 2011

Everything has really calmed down lately..Avery got good results no cancer:) That was the biggest blessing this week..Noah had his appt with the perinatalologist..He looked so much different then before.He is beginning to look like Chase & Dillan! Doc said he was very small, belly is measuring small & legs but I already did the chromosonal tests so no problem there..I am dilated to a 1..Considering I have had some kidney infections I didnt know they can cause pre term labor..He perscribed me some antibiotics I will be taking almost up until hes born..He said I really need to rest in bed but how hard is that with 3 other kiddos?!?! Depending on how things go they make take him as early as they can where he will be able to survive..I go back on March 22 for my gestational diabetes test but all in all we got blessed news this week..Fluid around his heart has went down & brain looked good! They are still keeping a good eye on him for the future but God has really answered our prayers these last couple weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking of you. Hope everything is ok. I'm glad that the results said no cancer! And I'm very glad things have looked good with the fluid and brain. Any updates?
