once upon a time these two people joined their lives

once upon a time these two people joined their lives
Love of my Life

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Noah Lander

Baby Noah lately has been kicking mommy like crazy but its such a beautiful moment to feel them move for the first time...I have always heard that is just a reminder hes still there!! I have been washing a bunch of baby stuff & the next few weeks we may get the nursery ready..I know God has a huge plan for him..I feel more confident about his issues especially meeting people through this blogspot thing. This gives you hope! I go back Feb 16th so we will find out about the cyst on his brain & fluid around his neck & heart. I am really tired of tests after tests but my personal expierence I would have wanted to know these issues. We are going to keep praying & put our trust in the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Those kicks are so wonderful to feel. I hope that when you go back in Feb that there will be improvement with Noah.
